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The Inevitability of Theological Education

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The Inevitability of Theological Education :::

Theology is the science about God. Studying and presenting a subject scientifically is helpful to have a comprehensive idea of that subject. It is possible to study and analyze theology just as Physics is studied. The word Thoelogia is formed by the combination of two Greek words Theo and Logos. Theos mean God and Logos means science. The word Theologia means the science about God. When the Greek word Theologia appeared in English language through Latin it became Theology.

The famous European Theological study centers later became universities teaching all the branches of science. The Luwaine University in Belgium is an example. Theology is taught here just like any other branch of science. It is incorrect to consider that science is against theology. Science neither denies nor questions theology. Similarly Theology does not deny other sciences. Theology and Physics are two separate branches of knowledge.
The scientific discoveries made in the world as yet are not questioning the legitimacy of God. The scientific discoveries are revealing the glory of God more and more.

The knowledge about God available for men may not be comprehensive and complete. Man, who has limitations about God, has only a little understanding about God. As apostle Paul points out in Romans 1:19, it is necessary to reveal about God by God Himself. Revelation is the means to understand God beyond our senses. That means we cannot comprehend God fully by the five senses.

Therefore, the visionaries are telling a sixth sense is necessary to comprehend God. The relevance of God’s Revelation is realized here. Theology is fundamentally based on God’s Revelation.

Reason and Faith are the two mediums that to comprehend God’s Revelation. The convincing of faith through wisdom or logic is the completeness of the revelation of God.
Man is able to comprehend ideas through logic. The Holy Bible is the most fundamental text book of theology. This is because Bible is the inspired word of God and the revelation of God. The fullness of God’s Revelation is Christ (Hebrews 1:1). Therefore, theology based on the word of God should be centralized in Christ.

In order to study theology authoritatively, Bible should be learned scientifically. The deserving importance of Christology also should be reckoned. A structured and disciplined study is most essential than an independent study.

Knowledge of theology is a strong defense against heresies. Only the true knowledge of the word of God strengthens a person. Theology is the weapon of Christians against all
arguments. A systematic study of theology is necessary for the modern man who gives importance to logical thinking. Higher knowledge can be acquired through theological study. Theology is absolutely essential for the proclamation of word of God in clear and righteous doctrines. Theology is necessary to identify a man’s fundamental beliefs. The study of theology is absolutely essential for the strong enhancement of a church. Then only, church will be able to present a healthy Christian society before the world. The inevitability of the study of theology is realized because of that. To conclude, let me
quote the words of William Adams Brown, “Christian theology is the scientific study
created with an aim to the fundamental facts of Christian belief’.


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